Sunday, November 30, 2014

How The First Dreamcatcher Was Made, A Story to Tell, An Activity to Do, 6-11 year olds

A North American Indian Story
- from

Discuss what a good dream and a bad dream might be
Ask children what they know about the North American Indians
Introduce the characters and tell the story

Masks to use for story telling
The Spirit Of The Earth, The Spirit of Fire and Spider

After story discussion
How did the people solve their problem?
Who helped them?

An Activity
Paper Plate Dream Catchers


Cut the centre out of two plates
hole punch in 4 places
(1 hole at the top, 3 at the bottom)
Tie together at the top
Open the sandwich
Stick the ribbons on the bottom plate
Close the sandwich, making sure 3 bottom holes line up
Tie ribbons through bottom holes
Hang in you room in the sun

What can children learn from this story?

They learn about another culture 
They learn about solving problems by asking for help
They see that an  animal which might have a negative image can help people
They have to empathise with the children in the story
Fine motor skills
Positive thinking

This project was done for The British Council, Bilbao as part of The Reading Challenge. It took place in the Alhondiga ,Bilbao

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